Monday, June 13, 2011

First Father's Day

I knew when I was pregnant with Micah that David was going to be a great dad. Heck, I knew when we were dating. He's a great guy, and he's great with kids.

I'm continually impressed though, at how great of a dad he is - he's even better than I expected! So, as a special tribute to my loving and handsome husband, here are the qualities that make David a wonderful father to our little turtle, Micah:

1. He's around and he's involved. There are so many dads out there who only possess one of these qualities, but not the other - but David is both. I know Micah's young still, but David's involved in pretty much every aspect of his little life. He spends as much time with Micah as I do, when we're at home or at work - and he enjoys the time he has with him.

2. He's fun for Micah to be with! David's all about playing with our little 'wiggle' - as I call him - crawling around with him on the floor, blowing raspberries on Micah's soft tummy, and making him laugh. I often see him banging on Micah's little toy drum, or playing on his little piano - just playing and spending time with him. David can't wait until he can wrestle Micah and take him outside to run around, kick a ball or play catch.

3. He changes diapers, without complaint. Do I need to say more? As a mom, this is very important to me!

4. He has big dreams for our little man, but he's realistic too! We're both excited to see Micah grow up, to know what he's going to be interested in and involved in, and who he's going to be. We have high hopes that he'll be smart, athletic, kind, and that he'll have every good quality imaginable. I know that David is going to love Micah no matter what he chooses, and no matter whether he ends up being a professional forward to the US Soccer team or a professional firefighter, David will be proud of him!

5. He loves Jesus and wants Micah to love him too. David sets a great example for Micah to follow - I know that his life is going help point our little fella to Christ. We won't force him or coerce him - it's his own decision and it'll have to be his own belief - but Micah's a lucky boy to have a dad who will show him what it means to be a man of God.

Happy 1st Father's Day, David! I'm proud of the dad that you are and the dad that you will be, and I think our little turtle (and all the kids we'll someday have) are very lucky to have you as their Daddy!

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