Monday, June 13, 2011

End of the School Year - On To Summer!

Each year (in the two we've worked at our school), we take an end-of-the-year field trip with all of the students. Last year we spent a very full day at Multnomah Falls and the Oregon Zoo in Portland - you can look at some pictures of it here.

This year we decided to stay a little closer to home, so we took a much shorter (only one hour) drive over to Walla Walla. We visited and had a tour of both the Whitman Mission and Fort Walla Walla Museum. Then we really got wild and took all of the students and the ten parents who were along for the trip for a very fun finale - bowling! Most of the kids hadn't been bowling before, and some of the moms hadn't either.

It can be a little stressful takign a group of kids into a public place, but we really had a great day and enjoyed the time with our students. It's such a blessing to work for a group of people that we really enjoy and like spending time with! The kids aren't perfect - they're kids, after all - but they really are very good and fun to be around.

One of the best parts of this field trip (and most challenging too!) is that we took Micah along with us. It was fun pushing him along in his stroller, but it really was difficult to get him to take a nap with so much going on. He was very ready for bed when we got home!

Here are some pictures from our trip - or at least the Whitman Mission. I guess I forgot to take any pictures after we were finished with our tour:

Wynell and Kayla finding answers to Mr. Wattenburger's worksheets

Sweet little Jasmine, sitting by the creek

I have a thing for pictures of us in a teepee!

Seriously, he's the cutest... I took about 35 pictures of him wearing this hat.

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